A List of the Main 20 Passions

Passions represent the beliefs and values of a person, influencing his or her actions and thoughts.  Passions, of course, are not exclusive to Planars; many Primes have a driving belief or desire associated with them.  On the Planes (especially the Outer Planes), however, belief is definitely power.  Thus, while some of the mechanics for Passions work the same everywhere, a few only work in specific locations.  These effects, as well as the twenty major passions, are described below.

It should be noted that every passion should be fully detailed by the player, indicating exactly what the player believes in and how they pursue their goals.  Honor, for example, requires the creation of a specific Code of Honor, rather than just relying on the simple concept.

You strive to maintain the great equilibrium in all things.  Each act of kindness must be balanced by a moment of cruelty.  Some obsessed with balance even keep lists of their deeds to better balance them.

Belief that things should not need a logical explination or reational reason, and that the path of impulse is the best.

Seeking to aid the hurt and the oppressed; the greatest good for the greatest number.

The desire to add to the whole of the Multiverse through actions and beliefs.

You always want to see/do/find/think of something new.

Desire to remove something/someone from the Multiverse.

Loyalty to a deity or concept to the point of worship.

Belief that everyone should have the right to choose their own path without the interference of outsiders.

The desire to have your name spoken across the Multiverse with respect, awe, or even fear.

You seek satisfaction through material accumulation.

You have a personal/cultural code of ethics that you follow to the letter.

You seek to make the law (or at least its spirit) inviolate.  Those who violate the law should be punished, of course.

You have sworn your loyalty to a person or concept, and are willing to do anything for that ideal.

You crave someone/something above all else. This can be anything from lecherousness to an obsessive stalking to a drug addiction.

You believe that there is an underliying structure to all things, and make it your goal to find this (the better to understand, predict, and control...).

You seek to accumulate controlling forces, whether this be political influence, magical powers, blackmail list, etc.

You are filled with anger, and seek to destroy when provoked.  You can be extremely dangerous in combat, and are a threat to any attempts to negotiate a peace.

You believe in the power of the mind to order the universes to its own liking.  You are able to use this Passion to step outside of the moment and control the body.

All progress in the Multiverse is made through pain.  Just look at how much new good comes out of competition or even open war.  You believe that competition should be encouraged, for the betterment of all.

Someone has wronged you, but they will pay.  They will all pay.

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